dimecres, 29 de gener del 2014

Scala code in Android app

I've been meeting Dani at several meetups in Barcelona lately.

We're both interested on scala but he also investigates the options to use it in android apps.

Last Saturday I remebered reading something about scala being used in android apps and tried to restore my notes to share them with Dani. Here's what I could recover:

ALERT: The following is a druid recipee based on maven.

git clone git@github.com:jayway/maven-android-plugin.git 
git clone \git@github.com:jayway/maven-android-plugin-samples.git 
cd maven-android-plugin 
mvn clean install 
cd ../maven-android-plugin-samples/ 
cd scala/ 
sed -i '' 's/2.8.0/2.10.3/' pom.xml
mvn clean install 
adb install -r  target/scala-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.apk

Note: the previous uses a Mac OSX flavour 'sed' that requires an extra pair of simple quotes.